Residents Against Greenway Landfill


Thank you for visiting. This website is set up by residents to help object to the Greenway Landfill planning application.

Things you can do:

  1. Object on the DCC planning portal

  2. Write a letter

  3. Join the facebook group

  4. Donate

  5. Show up to events

More information on the GoFundMe page here.

Latest news and events on the Facebook page here.

Advice on objections and writing letters here.

Objecting on the DCC planning portal is the most effective way to ensure your objection is considered by DCC.

You’ll need the reference number: DCC/4358/2023

Do give reasons why the proposal is a bad idea. There are suggestions here.

Do tell them the impact it will have on you and the wider community.

Hand-written letters (or pictures) are the best. If you want hints and tips, and some ideas for points to make then see the guide here.

There is a sample letter here. But remember to make sure your letter is written in your own words!

Not sure who to write to? It’s the DCC Development Management Committee, see the membership here.

Join the Facebook Group

For updates, upcoming events, and more….

You can donate at the GoFundMe page here.

The money raised is used to pay for planning experts to prepare an expert transport report to challenge the proposed plans, and to have planning experts to fight the case at Devon County Hall on behalf of residents.

Get in Touch

We're here to listen to your thoughts and suggestions. Let us know what's on your mind and we'll get back to you promptly.